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Nuclear and Energy Research Institute

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Université de la Réunion (UR), France

On 1st of February, 2021, a Framework-Agreement of Cooperation was signed between the Université de la Réunion (UR) and IPEN, effective for 5 (five) years.

The objective of the framework agreement is the exchange of professors, researchers and students; exchange of members of the technical-administrative teams according to specific needs; elaboration of joint training and research programs; common direction of research where applicable; exchange of documentation and publications; joint organization of colloquiums, conferences, seminars and short training sessions; participation in all forms of exchange that value both institutions and their staff; Other forms of cooperation, such as: new pedagogical products, e-leraning, creation of new research structures, etc.


Work topics:

Contact researcher at IPEN: Prof. Dr. Eduardo Landulfo of CELAP

Contact researcher at UR: Pr. Frédéric Miranville
