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IPEN submits the FINEP proposal for strengthening of R$20,000,000 Multi-user Laboratories and gets approval amounting to R$11,000,000

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FINEP selected proposals for the Strengthening of Multi-user Laboratories of institutes linked to the MCTIC (letter of invitation MCTI/FINEP/FNDCT 01/2016) that target the acquisition and maintenance of equipment, as well as the hiring of personnel for its operation.

The proposal forwarded by IPEN obtained the recommendation to support worth up to R$ 11,362,083.31 (11,000,442 and three real and 31 cents), including part of the value intended for scholarships.

Even with the partial approval guaranteed, the IPEN have already filed appeal requesting reconsideration of the advice which led to the difference between the total amount requested, and the recommended value.
