XXXI Annual FeSBE Meeting
The annual meeting of the Federation of Experimental Biology Societies (FeSBE) will bring together 10 events related to various topics in biology.
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XXXI annual meeting of the Federation of Experimental Biology Societies (FeSBE), will be held from 29 August to 1 September 2016 in Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil. The event will bring together 10 parallel conferences, among them the XI Congress SBBN. Among the topics are: Radiobiologia, nanofármacos, bio-safety, radiological protection, law on Science and technology, diets and dietary supplements, stem cells among many others.
The Workshop "Radioimmunotherapy (RIT) and Peptide Receptor-based Radionuclide Therapy (PRRNT)", in collaboration with the ARCAL project, with the participation of two experts of the IAEA.
With only an inscription, it is possible to attend the pre-Conference event and full programming of FESBE.
In April, the organisation of the event will receive abstracts for oral presentations and panels. Complete articles from papers presented at the XI Conference SBBN may be published in special supplement of the magazine Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (BJPD).
Abstracts for oral presentations and panels will be received on a regular basis until 28 April.
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