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Nuclear and Energy Research Institute

Science and Technology to service life


Laboratory of structural and functional Evaluation of eukaryotic Proteins (LAEFPE)

We study proteins of eukaryotes, with emphasis on those related to the cellular metabolic pathways as RPL10 (Ribosomal Protein L10), ACE (Angiotensin Converting Enzyme) and S100P which are multifunctional proteins. We also analyze how your radiossensibilidade in the differentiation of pré-osteoblastos.

The LAEFPE uses Molecular Biology techniques, Circular Dichroism, fluorescence and immunological tests/enzyme binding.


Responsible researcher: Prof. Dr. Regina Affonso

Partner Laboratories


Department of medicine-Discipline of Nephrology-UNIFESP/SP

Mass Spectrometry Lab-LNLS/Campinas
