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Nuclear and Energy Research Institute

Science and Technology to service life


Research Fields

The list of some lines of research that CEN develops, and allows students develop their master's and doctoral programs are presented below by area of ​​expertise:

Reactor Physics

- Development of devices and instrumentation for physical tests starting from
nuclear reactors;
- Experiments using the  zero power research reactor IPEN/MB-01 for
application in nuclear reactors designs.

Thermohydraulic and Accident Analysis

- Thermal and hydraulic analysis systems, cycles and components;
- Fluid Mechanical computational applied to nuclear facilities.
- Accident analysis of nuclear plants

Structural mechanics

- Structural analysis and evaluation of structural integrity of reactor components

Nuclear Fuel Engineering

- Fuel irradiation testing and structural materials for nuclear reactors;
- Fuel Qualification for nuclear reactors;
- Mechanical design development of fuel elements, components and
Core device research reactors;
- Development of computer codes for structural analysis and performance
of fuel elements in power reactors;

Probabilistic Safety Analysis and Systems Integration

- Security analysis of reactors and facilities of the nuclear cycle.
- Probabilistic analysis and reliability of systems and risk facilities

Control, Monitoring and Diagnostics

- Management of living components of nuclear reactors;
- Automation and instrumentation of nuclear systems;
- Analysis of electrical systems, equipment and components for nuclear reactors;
- Monitoring and diagnostic systems of nuclear plants and equipment.
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