Products & Services
Over the decades our Nuclear Engineering Center (NEC) has had many achievements in several fields and our portfolio of products and services reflects this experience. We have always sought out to meet the sophisticated and constantly expanding needs in the nuclear area by increasing the range of services and solutions readily available for deployment.
Below is a list of some of our products and services already available to the nuclear market by area of expertise:
Reactor Physics
- Analysis and screening test for nuclear and radioactive facilities;
- Criticality analysis equipment for nuclear facilities;
- Reactor fuel element burning calculation (burn-up);
- Research reactor core monitoring and configuration planning;
- Reactivity calculation of experimental samples;
- Neutron irradiation characterization in research reactor channels.
- Nuclear reactor operation training;
- Reactivity measurements in reactor core;
- Nondestructive measurement techniques applied to nuclear materials safeguards.
- Nuclear research reactor introductory course for training and
retraining of reactor operators;
Thermal Hydraulics
- Thermal hidraulics analysis of systems and components for reactors and thermal plants;
- Analysis and execution of research and development related to experiments in
thermal and hydraulic processes and water chemistry of reactors and facilities;
- Design analysis (descriptive and calculation memorials, mass and energy balances of
thermal and hydraulic components and systems of reactors and thermal plants;
- Development of prototype components and thermal systems and hydraulic
reactors and thermal plants;
- Specification for water treatment systems, analysis techniques specification
water, analysis and verification procedures manual handling systems
water and laboratories project for the quality control of the water circuit
- Development of meteorological and atmospheric dispersion studies for licensing
facilities reactors, nuclear fuel cycle and conventional facilities;
- Development of environmental assessment studies;
- Accident analysis of nuclear facilities;
- Development and application of artificial neural networks for control, monitoring and study
system behavior;
Structural mechanics
- Analysis of mechanical equipment, piping and supports using codes and standards
- Development of numerical models for specialized equipment analysis
mechanical, piping and supports;
- Structural analysis considering transient and dynamic effects;
- Structural analysis considering non-geometric linearity and / or materials
- Thermal and thermomechanical analysis;
- Analysis with bound fields;
- Technical specifications of mechanical equipment, piping and supports;
- Fatigue Evaluation of mechanical components;
- Inspection of components, pipes and supports;
- Evaluation of residual life and life span of mechanical components;
- Structural integrity assessment of cracked mechanical components;
- Seismic Qualification structures and components;
- The Probabilistic Fracture Mechanics Application integrity assessment
mechanical components such as steam generator tubing;
Fuel Engineering
- Mechanical analysis and technical specification of the fuel element and other elements of
power reactors and research reactors;
- Performance Analysis of the fuel element to various operating conditions
- Fuel element stress analysis;
- Experiments pre-irradiation for qualification analysis methods and / or components and
sets the fuel element;
- Miniature fuel plates irradiation experiments in the IEA-R1 reactor;
- Non-destructive methods of analysis of irradiated fuel elements in pool
- Theoretical radiation damage studies on structural materials;
- Systemic analysis of fuel failure root cause;
- Theoretical and experimental analysis of fuel performance failed operating the reactor
or pool of storage;
- Qualification under irradiation of the IEA-R1 reactor fuel;
- Irradiating Engineering used in the core of the reactor IEA-R1;
- Visual inspections of fuel elements for nuclear reactors;
- Analysis of temporary storage options of burned fuel reactors
of research;
Probabilistic Safety Analysis and Systems Integration
- Systems development projects using structured methodology "plant
engineering ";
- Consistency analysis and design reviews, if basing on the comparison with
design criteria and acceptance;
- Preparation of specific documents: technical specifications, calculation memorials
equipment and instruments, engineering flowcharts, logical and functional diagrams,
single-line, isometrics and equipment leasing plans;
- Analysis of functional stationary mechanical equipment design parameters and
rotary, instruments and electrical equipment;
- Automation of process plants;
- Analysis of systems and qualification of electrical equipment;
- Development of suppliers and manufacturing inspections and "procurement" items
specific, electrical-mechanical equipment and instruments;
- Development of routines and advisory service inspections;
- Development of routines and commissioning instructions, follow-up testing
starting and lifting mounting backlogs and operation (punch list);
- Preparation of operating manuals and operating systems descriptions;
- Development of analysis of failure modes and effects of major systems for the
- Development of systems reliability analysis;
- Development of probabilistic safety analysis - PHC facilities;
- Improvement Program Development of Safety Culture: Assessment and Planning;
- Assessment of Human Reliability in Nuclear and Industrial Facilities;
- Hazards Identification in industrial facilities through the following techniques
analysis HazOp (Hazard and Operability), failure modes, effects and criticality (FMEA)
fault trees (AAF), preliminary analysis of danger and what technique - if;
- Analysis of accident consequences in systems and installations: fires, explosions and
toxic releases
- Cogeneration plant reliability analysis;
Instrumentation, Monitoring and Diagnostics
- Response time measurement of process sensors and actuators;
- Development of special tools for research;
- Development of instrumentation and control systems;