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Nuclear and Energy Research Institute

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IPEN Post-Doctoral Program Regulation

Circular CNEN/IPEN number 037, December 22, 2016


The Superintendent of the ENERGY AND NUCLEAR RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF THE NUCLEAR ENERGY NATIONAL COMMISSION - CNEN / IPEN, in the use of its attributions and competencies, in view of a proposal approved by the Education and Information Center, Graduate Committee of the Nuclear Technology Program (IPEN/USP) and ADMINISTRATIVE TECHNICAL ADVISORY COUNCIL OF IPEN - CTA, on May 12, 2016, resolved: to establish a new Regulation of the IPEN Postdoctoral Program, replacing Circular CNEN / IPEN No. 034 of December 7, 2015, in the following terms:

Regulation of the postdoctoral program at IPEN

Article 1st -Postdoctoral at IPEN is a program of research, held in one of its Research Units, for PhD/Doctor title holders.

§ 1st -Each project of post doctorate must be submitted by the interested party, with the approval of the research unit Manager for registration at the Education and Information Center (CEI).

§ 2nd Participants in the PNPD must comply with CAPES Ordinance No. 086 of July 3, 2013.

§ 3rd – Each project must have a responsible supervisor, researcher with a doctorate degree, which, along with supervisory activities and monitoring the work, will provide the means needed to carry out the activities provided for.

§ 4th -Postdoctoral supervisor must be accredited for guidance at the Graduate Program of IPEN and the research project should be related with the master plan of the institution.

§ 5th -It Can also act as a supervisor, the researcher who has completed doctoral guidelines, even if not accredited in the graduate program of IPEN.

§ 6th -The project must indicate the duration of six to twenty four months, or renovations, but it cannot exceed 60 months.

Article 2nd -Participation in postdoctoral program does not generate employment or functional between the Institute and the post-doctorate, being prohibited the extension of rights and benefits granted to servers, as well as the timing of the program as a public service.

§ 1st -Postdoctoral candidates with scholarship provided by funding agency for research will be accepted. Institute's budgetary resources cannot be used for this purpose.

§ 2nd –Exceptionally, applications of postdoctoral candidates without scholarships provided by research funding agencies will be accepted. In these cases, a detailed opinion of the supervisor of the postdoctoral project, with the consent of the Manager of the Research Unit, should spell out the form of maintenance of post-doctorate.

Article 3rd -At the end of the research program, a final report shall be submitted. The supervisor should forward the report to the Education and Information Center, CEI, which will issue a certificate stating the Research Unit and the postdoctoral period, title and responsible supervisor.

§ 1st – Participants in the PNPD must prepare an Annual Activity Report to be submitted for approval of the Graduate Program and submit Final Report within 60 (sixty) days after the closing of the respective scholarship.

Article 4th -Bibliographical, artistic production, technical or disclosure resulting from the postdoc must be in accordance with the rules of the institution and necessarily mention the condition of the author as a post-doctoral fellow at IPEN.

Article 5th -The candidate for a postdoctoral program must sign deed of cession of rights of Intellectual Property (annex I).

Article 6th -This Regulation shall enter into force on the date of its publication.



Nuclear and Energy Research Institute
National Nuclear Energy Commission
